Friday, October 30, 2009

Kerjasama Weeroona Secondary College dan SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel

Kerjasama antara WSC dan SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel mencapai tahapan formal. Hal ini terwujud dengan adanya kunjungan balasan dari SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel ke WSC pada bulan Agustus 2009. Dalam tulisan terdahulu di blog ini telah disajikan bagaimana Delegasi Pendidikan Tangsel sampai di Bendigo ( Reached Bendigo) kemudian menghadiri jamuan makan malam ala Australia ( An Ozzy Dinner). Besok harinya dilanjutkan dengan upacara resmi penerimaan Delegasi Pendidikan Tangsel oleh WSC.

Malam sebelumnya, ketika kami sehabis menghadiri jamuan makan malam di rumah Bu Susan, Bu Robyn mengatakan: ”Sampai jumpa ya Bapak-bapak, besok kita akan mengadakan upacara di lapangan terbuka sekolah, semoga cuacanya memungkinkan karena menurut ramalan cuaca besok itu akan ada badai dan angin berkecepatan 120 km per jam. Dan angin itu sedang menuju Bendigo. Namun, ya kita lihat sajalah bagaimana besok” begitu Kata Bu Robyn dengan penuh kecemasan. Malam harinya, ketika saya sedang tidur, saya terjaga dari tidur sekitar jam 2.30 pagi ketika mendengar bunyi halilintar dan hujanpun turun. Dalam hati saya berkata “ wah ini dia yang dikatakan oleh Bu Robyn benar juga ya badai itu datang ke arah Bendigo, waduh bagaimana nih acara besok di sekolah, padahal acara di tempat terbuka”. Saya mulai khawatir tapi karena kecapean akhirnya saya tidak berlama-lama mempertanyakan hal ini. Saya pun melanjutkan tidur.

Pagipun datang, saya langsung melihat ke luar motel. Allohu Akbar. Cuaca bagus. Tidak hujan tapi agak mendung. Dingin tetap saja ada karena Agustus adalah puncaknya musim dingin di Bendigo. Angin masih terasa bertiup kencang, namun hal ini tidaklah menyurutkan kami untuk segera mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadiri acara di sekolah. Bu Robyn menjemput kami dan kamipun meluncur di sepanjang Napier Street. Tampak dari kejauhan Weeroona Lake anggun dan damai. Seperti halnya hati kami saat itu. Sampailah kami di pelataran parkir sekolah. Banyak anak-anak yang berseliweran. Ada siswa yang berani menyapa kami. Ia berkata : “ Selamat pagi, anda dari Cina?”. “ Oh, bukan, kami dari Indonesia “ jawab Pak Dadang. “ Do you know where Indonesia is?” “ Yes, it is very closed with Burma, isn’t it?” Kata murid Burma itu. “Yes, you are right” Kata Pak Afan sambil tersenyum penuh makna. Kami meneruskan langkah menuju kantor.

Kami berada di koridor depan kantor Kepala Sekolah Weeroona. Seseorang menyapa kami: “ Hello, how are you Bapak-bapak…” said Bu Andy yang menyapa kami. “ It seems like …we know you, what is your name?” kata Pak Herli mencadai Ibu Andy. Kamipun bergelak tawa menikmati suasana dinginnnya Bendigo yang tiba-tiba menjadi hangat oleh derai tawa kami. Kami juga bertemu dengan Bu Sandra, guru bahasa Indonesia yang berasal dari Jakarta Indonesia. Ibu Robyn mempersilakan semua rombongan untuk masuk dan duduk. Ibu Kepala Sekolah Weeroona sedang mengkondisikan para siswa untuk upacara. Kami duduk menunggu. Ibu Robyn menunjuk pada sebuah lukisan besar yang digantungkan di dinding: ”Itu lukisan siswa saya yang berasal dari Karen-Burma, saya dengan Bu Andy mengerjakan proyek bersama-sama. Mereka mengekspersikan gagasan tentang kehidupan melalui lukisan. Wah saya kagum akan hasil pekerjaan mereka. Mereka anak-anak yang baik. Saya suka mereka”. Kata Bu Robyn dengan penuh semangat.

“Hallo everyone, welcome in Weeroona Secondary College Bendigo. My name is Leane Preece . I am the principal of this school, Welcome” Kata Bu Leanne memperkenalkan diri. Bu Robyn mengenalkan semua peserta rombongan Tangsel. Pak Dadang sebagai pimpinan rombongan mulai menjelaskan maksud kedatangan dan menerangkan tentang potensi pendidikan Tangsel. Pak Dedi menambahkan dan mengucapkan rasya syukur bahwa WSC dan SMAN 4 Tangsel sudah bersepakat untuk menjalin sister school bahkan sudah menanda tangani MOU.Ia menegaskan bahwa kunjungan saat ini merupakan kunjungan balasan terhadap kunjungan yang pernah dilakukan oleh Bu Robyn dan Bu Andy ke Tangerang Selatan pada bulan April 2009. Khususnya ke sekolah yang ketika itu dipimpin oleh Pak Dedi. Lebih lanjut, Pak Herli juga menegaskan bahwa kerjasama antara kedua sekolah ini melalui proses yang cukup panjang sejak kepala sekolah WSC yang lama yaitu Pak John Sloan hingga kini berganti kepemimpinan ke Ibu Leane Preece. Di luar terdengar suara riuh, bunyi speaker melengking-lengking, bercampur dengan angin. Ibu Leanne mempersilakan kami untuk menuju tempat upacara.

Cuaca sangat dingin. Namun bagusnya tidak turun hujan. Ini ajaib. Cuaca ramah menyambut kedatangan kami di Weeroona. Di sudut kiri tampak serombongan siswa yang menyajikan lagu ucapan selamat datang: “ Welcome … everybody…” Mereka berdansa dan menari sambil mengangkat topi tanda menghormat ke arah kami. Ini luar biasa. Para siswa mau melakukan ini semua. Padahal cuaca dingin namun para siswa begitu baiknya mempersembahkan hal ini. Cuaca Bedigo demikian bersahabat dan seakan menyambut kedatangan kami. Sampai acara selesai hujan tidak jadi turun, bahkan matahari mulai tampak tersenyum. Senyum yang mulai menghangatkan hati dan badan kami. Kami sangat menikmati ikatan persahabatan ini.

Upacara penerimaanpun dimulai dengan sambutan Ibu Leanne Preece. Sangat mengejutkan Ibu Leanne memberikan sambutan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ibu Leanne intinya menyatakan ucapan selamat datang di Weeroona Secondary College dan Ia berharap semoga rombongan Tangsel bisa menikmati kunjungan ini. Lebih lanjut, ia juga menekankan mudah-mudahan persahabatan ini akan terus berlanjut. Untuk menyatakan jalinan persahabatan, kami dihadiahi bendera nasional Australia dan bendera Aborigin. Bendera Aborigin disampaikan oleh perwakilan siswa Aborigin sedangkan bendera Australia dibentangkan oleh perwakilan siswa Weeroona Adam dan Kathlyn. Puncak kehangatan suasana direnda dengan sambutan Adam yang mengatas namakan seluruh siswa Weeroona. Sambutan Adam benar-benar merengkuh hati kami dengan kebahagiaan yang membuncah.

Kami merasa berbunga-bunga mendapatkan kehangatan sambutan dari seluruh siswa dan guru Weeroona Secondary College. Cerita ini akan kami bawa ke tempat kami bahwa kedekatan persahabatan antara kedua negara bisa cair dan akrab melalui budaya dan pendidikan. Ini suatu pengalaman yang sangat baik sekali. Selanjutnya, momen bersejarah ini diabadikan dengan foto bersama.Foto yang akan menjadi bukti sejarah akan suatu upaya kerjasama pendidikan antara kedua sekolah. Rombongan dipersilakan untuk menuju ruang guru. Kami bertemu dengan wakil dari Departemen Pendidikan Bendigo. Ia membimbing dan memberikan arahan bagi siswa Aborgin yang ada di sekolah ini.

Tidak berapa lama kemudian datang utusan dari Departemen Pendidikan Bendigo. Ia memberikan penjelasan tentang Bendigo Education Plan. Ia menerangkan tentang dasar pembangunan gedung baru Weeroona. Kami banyak berdiskusi tentang rencana pembangunan pendidikan Bendigo. Mulai dari perencanaan awal, pelaksanaan, sampai dengan pengawasan pelaksanaan bangunan tersebut. Perbincangan diakhiri dengan melihat-lihat lokasi pembangunan gedung baru. WSC akan memiliki konsep pendidikan baru dengan mendirikan “ community”. Empat “community” akan didirikan di WSC.Di satu community akan bernaung beberapa bidang study. Gedung yang lain sedang didirikan juga seperti untuk gedung musik, olah raga, pertukangan dll. Selesai kami melihat-lihat pembangunan gedung kami masuk kembali ke ruang guru.

Di sana sudah banyak orang menanti, ini saatnya makan siang. Benar saja di atas meja sudah tersaji makanan yang lezat-lezat.Siswa, guru, staf adminstrasi semua berbaur di ruangan. Makanan ditempatkan di meja-meja, ada kue, buah-buahan roti, nasi, roti, wah komplit deh… Perut kami yang kosong sejak pagi sudah mulai bernyanyi minta diisi. Maka kamipun segera mengambil piring dan mulai mengambil makan yang tersaji di atas meja, sambil makan kami berkenalan dan menyapa dengan semua yang hadir. Seorang siswa mengatakan: “ This is a big lunch, because of your coming, we are invited to come to this lunch and we enjoy delicious food… can you come to Weeroona so often so we can enjoy free lunch more often too ?,” ujar seorang siswa berkelakar. Kami sibuk mengobrol kesana-kemari. Ambil kue, ambil daging ayam, ambil finger food yang lain. Sayang perut kami tidak selebar mata kami. Kami kekenyangan dan mengantuk. Terimakasih atas makan siangnya. Sungguh sangat spesial.

Di tengah-tengah acara, Ibu Leanne dan Ibu Robyn mempersembahkan beberapa hadiah untuk rombongan Tangsel dan rombongan Tangselpun menyampaikan hadiah serta titipan dari para siswa Tangsel untuk siswa Weeroona. Kami sibuk mengucapkan syukur dan tidak henti-hentinya mensyukuri anugerah ini. Suatu anugerah persahabatan yang tidak ternilai, yang dapat mempertebal jalinan persahabatan diantara kedua sekolah, pada gilirannya dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan persahabatan antara kedua bangsa: Indonesia dan Australia. Selamat kepada Weeroona Secondary College, Victoria, Australia dan SMA Negeri 4 Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia (HS, 2009).


English Version
Working together – Weeroona College Bendigo and SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel
(Translated by Robyn Elmi and Sandra Penna)

The sister school relationship between WCB and SMAN 4 Tangsel has been formalised. This occurred as a result of the return visit from SMAN 4 Tangsel to WCB in August 2009. In the last blog I described how the Education Delegation from Tangsel reached Bendigo and attended the Australian dinner (An Aussie Dinner). The next day WSC held a formal Whole School Assembly to welcome the delegation from Tangsel.

The previous evening, after the dinner at Ibu Susanne’s house, Bu Robyn said, “See you later gentlemen; tomorrow we are going to have a formal ceremony in the open yard at school. Hopefully, the weather will make it possible because according to the weather forecast, there will be a thunderstorm and the wind will reach 120km per hour. The wind will be heading towards Bendigo. But we will see about it tomorrow.” That’s what Ibu Robyn said, worriedly. That evening, while I was sleeping, I woke up around about 2.30am when I heard a loud clap of thunder followed by rain. In my heart I said, “Wah, this is it, the weather that Ibu Robyn talked about. She is right; the storm is coming towards Bendigo. Oh no, what are we going to do with the agenda tomorrow at school. The ceremony will be outside.” Then I too became worried, but because I was too tired, I didn’t spend too long thinking about this problem and I went back to sleep.

Morning arrived and I immediately looked out of the motel. Thanks to God, the weather was good. There was no rain but it was a little cloudy. It was still cold because August is the middle of winter in Bendigo. The wind still feels strong but it didn’t dampen our preparations to attend the ceremony at school. Ibu Robyn picked us up and drove us down Napier Street. Weeroona College appeared in the distance graceful and peaceful. Like our hearts at the time. Then we arrived in the school car park. Many children were moving around everywhere. There were students who were brave enough to talk to us. One said, “Good morning, are you from China?”
“No, we are from Indonesia,” answered Pak Dadang. “Do you know where Indonesia is?”
“Yes, it is very close to Burma, isn’t it?” said the Burmese student.
“Yes, you are right,” said Pak Afan with a meaningful smile. We continued towards the office.

We were in the corridor in front of the Principal’s office. Somebody said to me, “How are you Bapak-Bapak...” said Bu Andy who greeted us. “It seems like we know you, what is your name?” said Pak Herli teasing Ibu Andy. We all laughed enjoying the Bendigo cold that suddenly becomes warm because of our laughter. We also met with Ibu Sandra, the Indonesian teacher who comes from Jakarta. Ibu Robyn invited our group to come and sit down. The Principal was organising the students for the assembly. We sat and waited. Ibu Robyn pointed towards a big painting that was hanging on the wall: “That is the painting which was done by our Karen and Sudanese students; Andy worked on this co-operative project. The students expressed their ideas about life through art. Wow, I am very impressed with their work. They are good children. I like them,” said Bu Robyn passionately.

“Hello everyone, welcome to Weeroona College Bendigo. My name is Leanne Preece. I am the principal of this school. Welcome,” said Ibu Leanne introducing herself. Bu Robyn introduced all of the delegation members. Pak Dadang, as the leader of the group, began to explain the reason for their visit which was to make clear the educational potential of Tangsel. Pak Dedi also expressed the group’s appreciation for the sister school agreement reached between WCB and SMAN 4 Tangsel as stated in the MOU signed by both schools. He stated that this delegation was reciprocating the visit to Tangsel made by Bu Robyn and Bu Andy in April 2009. Especially to the school which was headed by Pak Dedi at that time. Furthermore, Pak Herli also stated that the co-operation between the two schools has been progressing since the leadership of the former principal, Mr John Sloan, until now under the leadership of Ibu Leanne Preece. Outside we could hear a lot of noise, the sound of the speaker screeching, the bell ringing and the wind blowing. Ibu Leanne guided us towards the ceremony area.

The weather was very cold but it was a good thing it didn’t rain. It’s a miracle. The weather was friendly to us at Weeroona. In the left corner a group of students were singing a welcoming song. “Welcome...everybody...” They danced and lifted their hats in our direction as a sign of respect. This was extraordinary, a group of students were willing to do this even though the weather was cold, the students still performed their dance. The weather in Bendigo was so friendly, as if it was welcoming our visit. It did not rain throughout the school welcoming assembly, even the sun was starting to smile. The smile was starting to warm up our hearts and our bodies. We really enjoyed this friendship.

The Welcoming Ceremony began with Ibu Leanne Preece’s speech. We were very surprised that Ibu Leanne made her speech in Indonesian. Ibu Leanne welcomed us to Weeroona College and she said that she hopes that the Tangsel group will enjoy this visit. Furthermore, she also stated that she hoped that this friendship will continue. To demonstrate our friendship, we were presented with an Australian and an Aboriginal flag. The Aboriginal flag was handed over by a representative of the Aboriginal students, whereas the Australian flag was presented by the School Captains, Adam and Kaitlyn. The peak of the warm atmosphere was woven by Adam’s speech; he spoke on behalf of all of the Weeroona students. Adam’s speech really held our hearts with abundant happiness.

The warm welcome from all of the students and teachers at Weeroona College Bendigo made our hearts blossom. We will take this warm story home and the relationship between the two countries will thaw and become close through culture and education. It was a very good experience. Further to this, this historic moment has been recorded with our photos together. These photos will be the evidence of our efforts to work together to support the education between the two schools. The group was invited to go the staffroom. Then we met with Mr Rob Saunders, who is the representative from the Education Department’s Regional Office. He is responsible for providing support for the Aboriginal students in this school.

Not long after, Mr Rob Hallisey arrived and he too is from the Education Department’s Regional Office, in charge of overseeing the Bendigo Education Plan. He gave us information about the Bendigo Education Plan. He explained about the building program being carried out at Weeroona. We discussed the education plan in Bendigo. We talked about its inception, the building program and its supervision. After our discussions we walked around to look at the new buildings in progress. Weeroona will have a new educational concept by building four Learning Communities that incorporate open areas, studio classrooms, small discussion rooms, specialist art and science rooms, outdoor learning terraces and informal areas. The design of these areas is to allow teachers and students to work in different ways: one-on-one, with small groups in small spaces and large groups in larger spaces. This will ensure a more personalised approach to teaching that focuses on the needs of the individual student.

After we saw the buildings, we returned to the staffroom. There were already many people waiting, it was time lunchtime. It is true, on top of the tables there was a lot of delicious food. Students, teachers and administrative staff mingled together in the room. On the tables could be found cakes, fruit, bread, rice, pies, it was absolutely complete...... Our empty stomachs since the morning started to sing, asking to be filled. So we immediately got ourselves a plate and served ourselves all the food from the tables. While we were eating we were able to get to know and greet everyone who was there. One student jokingly said: “This is a big lunch because you have come... can you come to Weeroona often, so we can have a free lunch more often too?” We were busy chatting here and there, getting cake, getting chicken and getting other finger food. Too bad our tummies were not as big as our eyes. We were stuffed full and getting sleepy. Thank you for the lunch, it was very special.

In the middle of the lunch, Ibu Leanne and Ibu Robyn presented some gifts for the Tangsel group and the Tangsel group also presented their gifts to Weeroona, along with the letters from Tangsel students for Weeroona students. We were busy expressing our gratitude and didn’t want to stop showing our appreciation for this serendipitous occasion. This is a priceless friendship, which will strengthen the friendship between the two schools. In turn it will also increase the understanding and friendship between the two nations: Indonesia and Australia. Congratulations to Weeroona College Bendigo, Victoria, Australia and SMA Negeri 4 Tangerang Selatan Indonesia (Herli Salim, Robyn Elmi, and Sandra Penna)

Friday, October 16, 2009

6.4 Quake Hits Indonesia's Sunda Strait

Police in Ujung Kulon, Banten province, said they had not received any reports of damage or injuries from a 6.4 magnitude quake that struck in Indonesia's Sunda Strait on Friday afternoon. The temblor caused buildings to shake some 187 kilometers away in Jakarta.

No tsunami warning was issued.

The quake struck 185 kilometers of Sukabumi, at a depth of 53.7 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey. The USGS initially assigned it a magnitude of 6.5 but later downgraded it to 6.1.

In Cilegon on the west Java coast, residents said the earth shook powerfully but there was no evidence of damage.

The tremor was felt at between II and IV MMI in Jakarta. This level is considered to pose a relatively low threat to buildings and other structures, said Suharjono, head of the seismology desk at the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

Officials at Ujung Kulon National Park said there did not appear to be any damage to the 1200-square-kilometer reserve. PT Krakatau Steel’s plant in Banten province was reportedly unaffected.

Don Makaha of Ombak Liar Surf Adventure said the epicenter was close to the island of Panaitan, which used to be home to a surf camp but has been abandoned since 2005. He said he was trying to establish contact with surfing charter boats in the area, but had not yet succeeded.

People fled high-rise buildings in Jakarta when the rumbling began. Robert Simanungkalit and his girlfriend had ordered food on the 10th floor of Plaza Semanggi.

"We just ran down the emergency stairs," he said. "We're still afraid to go back because there might be aftershocks."

Suharjono said it was impossible to know whether the quake was related to the devastating quake that struck West Sumatra earlier this month.

JG, Bloomberg

Thursday, October 1, 2009

‘Thousands trapped’ under rubble:Padang Earthquake!

The Jakarta Post , Padang/Medan/Pekanbaru | Thu, 10/01/2009 9:38 AM | Headlines
A powerful earthquake rattled the city of Padang, West Sumatra, on Wednesday, leaving at least 75 dead and trapping thousands under flattened buildings, officials said.
The death toll was likely to increase as many buildings, including houses, hotels, schools and shops, collapsed, Vice President Jusuf Kalla told a news conference in Jakarta after chairing an emergency meeting on the disaster response and coordination.
As communication lines were cut, the number of victims in the Pariaman regency, which is nearest to the epicenter in the Indian Ocean, are still unknown. A Pariaman native, the politician Indra Piliang, said as quoted by, “almost all houses are flattened.”
Rustam Pakaya, the head of the Health Ministry's disaster center in Jakarta, said thousands of people were still trapped in the rubble of buildings.
The 7.6-magnitude quake sparked fires and there were power outages across the entire city. The roof of Padang's Minangkabau Airport reportedly collapsed, forcing a temporary closure, and roads and bridges were destroyed.
Tremors were felt in Medan, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Bengkulu and other areas across Sumatra Island, as well as in Singapore and Malaysia, meteorologists and witnesses said, causing widespread panic in all affected towns.
A tsunami warning for countries around the Indian Ocean was issued after the earthquake struck Wednesday evening, but was lifted an hour and a half later.
Heavy rainfall later in the evening worsened the situation in Padang, as most victims lacked emergency tents for shelter.
Witnesses told local television and radio hundreds of houses had collapsed and a road to the coastal town of Padang was cut off, while flights were canceled to the city, airlines officials said.
TV footage showed devastation, with piles of rubble and collapsed houses in Padang.
“Hundreds of houses have been damaged, there are fires, bridges are cut and there is extreme panic here. Ruptured water pipes have triggered flooding,” said a Reuters witness in the city, before his cell phone was cut off.
The US Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.9, and struck 50 kilometers off the coast of Sumatra.
However, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) in Medan put the quake’s magnitude at 7.6.
Its epicenter was 71 kilometers under the sea off Pariaman, 70 kilometers from Padang. The quake hit at around 5:16 p.m. for about four minutes along the same fault line that spawned the massive Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.
The Health Ministry has dispatched medical teams carrying medicine and food supplies for the quake victims. Rustam Pakaya said teams from health agencies in Medan and Palembang were on their way to West Sumatra towns.
“Tomorrow [Thursday] morning about 40 doctors, including specialists, will fly to Padang on a humanitarian mission,” Rustam said.
Another medical team will depart from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in East Jakarta at about 6 a.m., he added.
Medan's BMG spokesman Rifwar Kamin said the areas in North Sumatra hardest hit by the quake included Nias Island.
Although the strong temblor was felt in Medan, no casualties were reported from North Sumatra.
Widespread panic hit Pekanbaru, forcing residents, including Riau deputy governor Mambang Mit, to flee buildings to seek safety in open fields, as traffic came to a standstill at roads across the province's capital city.
Tremors were felt in Pasir Pangarayan, the capital of Rokan Hulu regency, some 240 km from the epicenter in Pariaman. Yuslena, a schoolteacher in Rokan Hulu, said several buses had to stop because their drivers could not control them.
“The drivers were worried they would hit other vehicles so the passengers got off to seek safety,”
she said.
Residents in Padang were recently still recovering from the latest major quake in 2007.
They had also felt tremors in the 2005 quake which hit Nias, and the 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and Nias (Source: JakartaPost)

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