Pada hari Senin, 12 Oktober 2009, Ia mau mengunjungi Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangsel (jam 9.00 – 10.00) dan SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tangsel ( 11.00 – 14.00). Di sekolah ini,ia mau bertemu dengan Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel dan bertemu dengan dewan guru ( jam 11.00 – 12.00), dan beliau mau mengadakan workshop dengan para kepala sekolah se- Kota Tangsel yang sekolahnya sudah menyandang kualifikasi SBI/RSBI/SSN yang berada di Kota Tangsel (jam 13.00 – 14.00) bertempat di SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel.
Selain itu, maksud kedatangan beliau juga adalah untuk memotivasi jalinan hubungan sister school yang sudah ada, misalnya: SMA Negeri 3 Tangsel berpasangan dengan Castlemaine Secondary College, Castlemaine. SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel bermitra dengan Weeroona Secondary College, Bendigo. Hal ini sebagai tindak lanjut kunjungan Bapak Drs Dadang Sofyan, Kadis Diknas Kota Tangsel dan rombongan ke Melbourne, Australia pada bulan Agustus lalu. Termasuk dalam kegiatan tersebut adalah mempromosikan sekolah-sekolah di Tangsel, yang salah satunya adalah SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel.
Hubungan sister school antara sekolah di Kota Tangsel difasilitasi juga oleh Drs. H. Herli Salim, M.Ed. Ia merupakan mediator sekolah Indonesia yang mau menjalin kerjasama pendidikan dengan sekolah Australia. Ia bertempat tinggal di Kota

Kunjungan Prof Dr. Peter Waterworth sudah dikomunikasikan oleh Drs. H Herli Salim, M.Ed. kepada Bapak Drs. Dadang Sofyan, Bapak Drs. Dedi Rafidi, Kasi Dikmenti, dan Bapak Drs. P.A. Sopandy, Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel. Marilah kita gunakan kesempatan ini bagi para siswa SMA Negeri 3 Tangsel dan SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel untuk lebih mengeratkan tali batin dengan sekolah yang berada di Australia. Untuk itu, silakan siswa dan siswi menulis surat dan titipkanlah surat tersebut ke Pak Peter untuk disampaikan ke para siswa di Australia. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Bapak Drs. Ibni Afan, Koordinator Program, di SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel. Mari sukseskan kunjungan Prof Dr Peter Waterworth ke Kota Tangerang Selatan ! (HS, 2009).
English Version
Professor Peter Waterworth visits the Tangsel Educational Region
Prof. Dr. Peter Waterworth is an ex-lecturer from the Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Since his retirement, he is still actively giving part-time lectures in several universities in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. He also gives seminars in different parts of America and Europe. The educational personnel, especially in the Banten region and the city of Serang, knows him very well because of his seminars, workshops, conferences and his supervision of the education renewal since 1998. He also is a mediator for all the sister schools in Australia with schools in Indonesia.
On Monday, 12 October 2009, he visited the Regional Office in the city of Tangsel, SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tangsel. At this school he met with the principal and the leading teachers. He also held a workshop for all of the principals in the Tangsel area who were leading schools who had already qualified for international standing.
Apart from that, his visit was also to motivate other schools to develop sister school relationships. For example, SMA Negeri 3 Tangsel has formed a partnership with Castlemaine Secondary College. SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel has established a partnership with Weeroona College Bendigo. This is because of the visit to Melbourne, Australia made by Dr Dadang Sofyan, the head of Tangsel Region last August. This included the promotion of all of the schools in the Tangsel region, one of them is SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel.
The sister school relationship between schools in Tangsel is being facilitated by Drs H. Herli Salim, M. Ed. He is the mediator for Indonesian schools who would like to form educational partnerships with Australian schools. He lives in Melbourne because at the moment he is undertaking a PhD at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. He is a lecturer at the Indonesian Education University, Serang Campus, Banten. He actively accompanies Prof Dr. Peter Waterworth in all educational activities that were being held in Banten and throughout Indonesia. Co-operative Education between SMA Negeri 3 Tangsel and SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel with the Australian schools has already been formed through correspondence and developing a blog site together.
The visit of Prof. Dr. Peter Waterworth has already been communicated by Drs H. Herli Salim, M.Ed. to Bapak Drs Dadang Sofyan, Bapak Drs. Dedi Rafidi and Bapak Drs. P.A. Sopandy, Principal of SMA Negeri 2 Tangsel. Let’s use this opportunity for all the students in the abovementioned Indonesian schools to form stronger spiritual ties with schools in Australia. For this purpose please encourage the students to write letters and give it to Pak Peter for him to take to the students in Australia. For more information, please contact Bapak Drs. Ibni Afan, Program co-ordinator at SMA Negeri 4 Tangsel. Let us help him make the program successful.
Written by Pak Herli Salim
Translated by Sandra Penna and Robyn Elmi