He is the director of education for Tangerang Selatan City. Previously, he was the head of the Senior School and Higher Education Section at Banten National Education Office. During his term, he intends to make Tangerang Selatan City an educational icon. In this area there are lot of schools and universities with international standards. He wishes to establish links with the Australian schools for the Tangerang Selatan schools. Therefore, Drs Dadang Sofyan visit to Australia will strengthen his main program and enhance the link between SMA Negeri 2 Ciputat and Weeroona Secondary College in particular and with all Victorian / Bendigo schools in general.

He is the school Principal of SMA Negeri 2 Ciputat Tangerang. The school is located in Ciputat where parents are enthusiastic to increase the educational level of their children to reach international standards. This is the main reason that drives the educational link and cooperation with Weeroona Secondary College Bendigo. This visit is intended to cement the relationship which was established when two teachers from Weeroona travelled to Ciputat during the last Easter holidays.

Drs. Ibni Afan
He is the Program Coordinator at SMA Negeri 2 Ciputat Tangerang. He is also an English teacher. His main duty is to plan and provide the school with an annual pprogram, including the educational link with overseas schools. He intends to research and implement activities in cooperation with Weeroona College Bendigo that will enrich the educational opportunities for the students of Ciputat and Weeroona.
We are all excited to have the opportunity to meet with them and show them our school and educational system in Bendigo, Victoria. A regional representative, Mr Rob Hallisey, as well as our school Principal, Ms Leanne Preece, will meet with our guests to explain the Bendigo Education Plan which will become a model for the future of education in Bendigo.
Kami semua merasa sangat gembira mendapat kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan mereka, dan dapat memperlihatkan sekolah kami, dan juga sistim pendidikan di Bendigo, Victoria. Wakil daerah, Bapak Rob Hallisey, beserta Kepala Sekolah kami, Ibu Leanne Preece, akan bertemu dengan tamu-tamu kita untuk menjelaskan Rencana Pendidikan Bendigo, yang akan menjadi contoh/model bagi masa depan pendidikan di Bendigo.
We thank Mr Herli Salim for his hard work and valuable input in preparing for this visit. We know that we cannot match the hospitality and generosity shown by our Indonesian friends in April; however, we hope that this visit will strengthen this newly formed relationship and it will continue for a very long time.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Herli Salim untuk hasil kerja keras dan pemasukan yang sangat berharga dalam mempersiapkan kunjungan ini.
Kami sadar bahwa kami tidak akan dapat menyamai keramah tamahan dan kedermawanan yang telah diperlihatkan oleh teman-teman Indonesia kami pada bulan April yang baru lalu. Tetapi kami berharap bahwa kunjungan ini akan dapat memperkuat hubungan yang baru tercipta ini, dan akan berlanjut untuk waktu yang panjang.
We also want to express our deep condolences to all the people who have suffered as a result of the latest terrorist bombings in Jakarta. We know that Australia is working closely with Indonesia, to capture the perpetrators of these horrific crimes.
Kami juga ingin menyampaikan rasa dukacita yang sedalam-dalamnya bagi semua orang yang menderita akibat pemboman yang terjadi di Jakarta baru-baru ini. Kami tahu bahwa Australia dengan Indonesia sedang bekerja sama dengan erat, guna menangkap pelaku dari kejahatan yang mengerikan ini.
Written by Robyn Elmi, Pak Herli Salim and Sandra Penna