Sunday, April 26, 2009


Pak Dedi and his family took us out to dinner on our final evening in Indonesia. I don't think Andy and I have laughed so much for a very long time!!! Thank you Pak Dedi, we hope to see you in Bendigo later in the year.


Afternoon tea with Pak Afan and his family. Pak Afan did a wonderful job of organising our program throughout our stay. We appreciated the many long hours and hard work he put in to ensure our program ran smoothly. We found out very early on too, that he enjoys a good joke.


The staff at Ciputat were very kind to us and made us feel very welcome.

The student leaders at Ciputat SMA 2.

The Vice Principal, Pak Suyarto, made a formal farewell speech and presented Ibu Robyn and Ibu Andy with many beautiful Indonesian gifts. We took back to our school an exquisite plaque to commemorate our visit.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


These are the bookmarks that Weeroona College students designed to give to Ciputat students.

The students are holding up their surprise alien drawings they drew in the Art Workshop.

The students are laughing at their creations.

The students were viewing a short film made by Weeroona students on the theme of Water in Bahasa Indonesia. They thought it was hilarious.

The students learned about programs offered at Weeroona College Bendigo.

Ibu Andy just had to take a photo of this poster advertising Jamiroquai. He was playing live at Bogor in April.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Pak Dedi and Ibu Ela Rafidi took us out to dinner to a traditional Indonesian restaurant in Bandung. Another delicious meal 'enak'!

These young children were very talented performers.

On Sunday 12th April we visited Saung Angklung Mang Ujo and enjoyed a wonderful interactive performance put on by these young dancers and musicians. After their performance, the audience played the angklung, sang and danced together.

Pretty in pink.

Bandrek is a drink made with ginger.

In the morning we visited the volcano - Gunung Tangkuban Parahu. 'Gunung' means mountain. 'Tangkuban Parahu' means 'upside down boat' which is what the volcano looks like.

Pony rides on the mountain

The upside down boat.

JCO - the best little donuts you will ever find - enak sekali! These were actually found in Jakarta.

More Indonesian hospitality - afternoon tea at our friend's house.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Thursday 9th April was election day in Indonesia. With 230 million people, the easiest way to keep track of who has voted and who hasn't is to dip the voter's little finger in ink.

Deer wander freely outside the palace.

The principal from SMA Negeri I Pamulang and his family
brought a picnic lunch for us to share.

Below is the Presidential Palace in the Botanical Gardens
(Kebun Raya) in Bogor which is about one hour's drive
south west of Jakarta via the tollway.

The gardens are famous for their beautiful orchids. These can be found in the Orchid House (Rumah Anggrek).


On Wednesday 8th April Ibu Robyn and Ibu Andy visited SMA Negeri I Pamulang. We were warmly welcomed to this senior secondary college. The two students in the principal's office impressed us with their English and after this we were taken to the music room which was a sound proofed recording studio. The students performed for us using both the traditional angklung instruments as well as modern guitars.


Many of the students ride their motor bikes to school.

This is Ibu Nyai's Bahasa Indonesia class. Her students are excited to receive their letters from Weeroona College students. One of the students received an Australian flag in his letter.


Ibu Andy and Ibu Robyn were taken to lunch at Gitung. We were amazed at how beautiful and green the gardens were after the dryness of Bendigo. We enjoyed the hospitality of the Principal, Pak Dedi Rafidi, and the staff at Ciputat as well as the delicious food - our favourite was 'Kol and the gang' - Gado Gado - and of course tempe.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


On the second day, Ms. Jones joined the Music class taught by Mr. Nasution. He teaches the students to play the angklung (a traditional musical instrument from West Java made from bamboo together with modern musical instruments. He has put together a band from a group of 5 students, who have already practised a song. The band used both modern musical instruments and angklungs from the class.
Playing the angklung is not difficult: what we do is just shake the angklung. It has its own tone, so one angklung has only a single tone. Everybody took an angklung including Ms. Jones.

Ms. Jones joined the class to play the angklung.

And Mr. Zulkifli Nasution played the kendang. Kendang is a traditional percussion instrument.

After joining the music class, Ms. Jones came to an Art class by Ms. Anne. She showed Ms. Jones, how to make the handy craft.
No worries to try: she got straight into it.

Finally, the students get a chance to practise their English with a native speaker. Mr. Sukanta introduces his students to the special guest.


The students on the balcony show their enthusiasm to see the guests. We planned not to disturb the other classes for the Welcoming Ceremony, but the noise from the sound of the gamelan music could not keep them in their classes. The Guests from Australia, however, are new for us.

Ms. Elmi and Ms. Jones were accompanied by Mr. Affan and the students from OSIS, along the way to the school lobby. I thought that the time for ceremonies was over, because we recently had the same ceremony for Mr. Dedi Rafidi's arrival to this school in December 2008 but once again we have had a Welcoming Ceremony for our special guests.

Right in front of the lobby, they stood for almost half an hour. The saman dancers greeted them with their fantastic motions. Saman is a dance from Aceh, it is also an after school activity for our students, who love this dance. This dance group is becoming more and more popular in our school.

A warm hand shake from Mr. Ullis, who is a social worker. He is a guest teacher for English in our school. He comes from Switzerland and has lived in Ciputat for 5 years, and not too far from the school. He joined us to welcome Ms. Elmi and Ms. Jones. As can be seen in the picture, he likes batik very much, and he is also wearing a peci on his head.
This Picture was taken in the Principal's room. From Left: Mr. Hidayat, Mr. Hamdari, Mr. Ullis (English teachers), Ms. Elmi, the Principal Mr. Dedi Rafidi, Ms. Jones and Mr. Affan.

Ms. Elmi in the class, accompanied by Ms. Dardanela (English teacher) is introducing herself to the students. The students were very curious, but more nervous about speaking in English. Fortunately, Ms. Elmi is a teacher of Bahasa Indonesia, and she is very good in this subject.

Ms. Jones is showing something about design in the magazine to Ms. Dardanela. They were in the same room with the other teachers who were talking about the friendship between Weeroona and SMA Negeri 2 Ciputat.

Shaking hands after the exchange of the MOU and Ms. Elmi giving Mr. Dedi Rafidi a souvenir from Weeroona.

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